NightHawk Pursuit Prevention Technology Training Materials
Thank you for visiting and foremost, thank you for your service! On this page you will find the latest NightHawk training materials.
We are continuously improving these documents based on user feedback. Please be sure to check in regularly to ensure you have the latest versions.
NightHawk Remote System
NightHawk-(RS) Quick Reference Guide V - Link NHRS QRG v0.23 provides a top-level quick reference information for utilizing the NightHawk Remote Pursuit Prevention Technology system in the field. NHRS QRG v0.23 supplements the classroom training materials and provides a quick guide to the deployment of the NightHawk.
NightHawk-(RS) Classroom Training Materials - Link NHRS TRAINING v0.23 contains all the relevant classroom training materials in the form of a PowerPoint presentation with video links to augment the presentation materials. The link will download a password protected .7zip file. When unzipped it will create a directory called NightHawk PPD Training v0.23 containing PowerPoint files and a Videos subdirectory. Videos are linked to the PowerPoint and can be watched individually.
NightHawk-(RS) Users Manual - Link NightHawk User Manual v0.23
NightHawk Manual Systems
The NightHawk utilizes 10 RoadSpike strips that cover approximately 15 feet of roadway.
Q: How do you reload the NightHawk system after use?
The launch tube must be replaced after use and the RoadSpike strips are reusable and may require re-loading if crushed by the target vehicles' tires.
Q: Can NightHawk RoadSpike sticks be reused?
MATADOR Engineers have developed patented RoadSpike strips that pop back into shape and, unlike competitors' spike sticks, our NightHawk RoadSpike strips are designed such that spikes may be replenished and the strips reused to reduce costs.
Q: Are NightHawk RoadSpike strips recyclable?
NightHawk RoadSpike strip materials are recyclable.
Q: What are the recommended accessories for a NightHawk system purchase?
The NightHawk System comes packed with 10 NightHawk RoadSpike strips, we recommended purchasing 2-3 tubes and 2 strips so you may have spares.
Q: What training is required to implement the NightHawk Remote PPT?
The NightHawk PPT system requires minimal training. We provide training videos and written training materials that were produced by the Prescott Police Department in Prescott Arizona. On-site training is also available.
Q: Are Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) and sample Implementation / Use policies available?
Yes, SOPs and sample Policies are available upon request.
NightHawk Pursuit Prevention Technology Training Materials
Thank you for visiting and foremost, thank you for your service! On this page you will find the latest NightHawk training materials.
We are continuously improving these documents based on user feedback. Please be sure to check in regularly to ensure you have the latest versions.
NightHawk Remote System
NightHawk-(RS) Quick Reference Guide V - Link NHRS QRG v0.23 provides a top-level quick reference information for utilizing the NightHawk Remote Pursuit Prevention Technology system in the field. NHRS QRG v0.23 supplements the classroom training materials and provides a quick guide to the deployment of the NightHawk.
NightHawk-(RS) Classroom Training Materials - Link NHRS TRAINING v0.23 contains all the relevant classroom training materials in the form of a PowerPoint presentation with video links to augment the presentation materials. The link will download a password protected .7zip file. When unzipped it will create a directory called NightHawk PPD Training v0.23 containing PowerPoint files and a Videos subdirectory. Videos are linked to the PowerPoint and can be watched individually.
NightHawk-(RS) Users Manual - Link NightHawk User Manual v0.23
NightHawk Manual Systems
The NightHawk utilizes 10 RoadSpike strips that cover approximately 15 feet of roadway.
Q: How do you reload the NightHawk system after use?
The launch tube must be replaced after use and the RoadSpike strips are reusable and may require re-loading if crushed by the target vehicles' tires.
Q: Can NightHawk RoadSpike sticks be reused?
MATADOR Engineers have developed patented RoadSpike strips that pop back into shape and, unlike competitors' spike sticks, our NightHawk RoadSpike strips are designed such that spikes may be replenished and the strips reused to reduce costs.
Q: Are NightHawk RoadSpike strips recyclable?
NightHawk RoadSpike strip materials are recyclable.
Q: What are the recommended accessories for a NightHawk system purchase?
The NightHawk System comes packed with 10 NightHawk RoadSpike strips, we recommended purchasing 2-3 tubes and 2 strips so you may have spares.
Q: What training is required to implement the NightHawk Remote PPT?
The NightHawk PPT system requires minimal training. We provide training videos and written training materials that were produced by the Prescott Police Department in Prescott Arizona. On-site training is also available.
Q: Are Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) and sample Implementation / Use policies available?
Yes, SOPs and sample Policies are available upon request.